#yes i reused the together gif
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saryasy · 1 year ago
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tagged by @flowergrenades thank you so much!
no pressure tags: @casismybestfriend @rosettyller @dancingcrowley @kenobismullet and anyone who'd like to do it
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heart-eyed-love · 6 months ago
Pet Names
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Summary | Eddie is getting used to having someone new around getting your attention
Contains | Fem!Reader, Established Relationship, Cursing, Talks of sex, Pet names
Word Count | 1.1k
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The sun was peeking through the window, and Eddie could feel your warmth behind him. He had woken up about 15 minutes ago, and he was just lying there, peacefully, as he awaited for you to wake up.
Then a soft mutter of, “Hi, Baby boy…” and he doesn’t think he’s ever snapped his head back faster. You weren’t one to really use pet names, but you’d use the occasional, Ed’s. He on the other hand would call you pet names more times than not, the most frequent being - babe. There were even times when he saw you cringe at a specific name and he would note them in the back of his head, making sure to reuse them again just to tease you.
So hearing your soft morning voice, whisper such a thing, had him more than excited. Soft smile on his face at the sweet words.
Only his face sours when he realizes the words weren’t for him. They were for the cat that was now laying at your side. He let out a scoff.
About a week ago, the two of you had been sitting out on the couch in front of your shared trailer. Lounging together as you read your book and Eddie was writing something in his journal, when a small meowing can be heard next to you. You are the first to notice the small tabby cat that stands in front of the couch.
“Hi…” Eddie takes notice of the higher pitch in your voice and looks up from his journal, seeing you leaning down to pet the small animal in front of the two of you. You look up to him with big eyes as you pet the cat, and it then leaps up onto the couch, right next to you.
“Eddie…” You say excitedly as you scratch the cat’s neck causing it to close its eyes in contentment.
“You know, that thing probably has fleas or something, right?”
You shoot him a glare, “You don’t need to ruin the moment… look at him…” You say sweetly as you look back to the small cat.
Eddie can already tell what the look in your eye is. He already knows what you’ll inevitably ask him, and Fuck No he doesn’t want a cat.
“Y/n, No.” He says as sternly as he can when it comes to you.
You furrow your brows slightly, and a frown tugs on your lips as you place your hand on his leg, “But Eddie… He needs a home…” Why did you do that? Why did you always have to do that shit when he said no, it made the process a lot harder for him.
But it made the process a lot easier for you.
Cause as you made dinner in the kitchen, Eddie sat at the end of the couch, glaring at the other side where the freshly washed cat was now sitting. He was actually surprised at how well the cat acted when you were bathing him, he thought he was gonna have to end up taking you to the hospital for rabies so some shit.
But no, you must just have some magic touch to you or something. Well, obviously you do, apparently you use it on him everyday, he just didn’t know it also applied to cats.
And that’s how the week had been going, you and this new cat, that you had decided to name Roane, were attached at the hip. That little shit would follow you around everywhere. He had to kick him out of the room a couple times cause he kept sneaking in when Eddie was trying to get some alone time with you, if you know what he means. He was not about to let this cat sit in the corner and stare at his bare ass as he ruins you.
So yes, this cat getting special treatment from you was gonna pull a scoff from him. He stares at the creature that’s now curling up on your chest. “Sorry, didn’t know you were awake…” You say softly as you look over at him all sleepy, messy hair, eyes half lidded and you look beautiful. But he has to resist your charm. He’s upset at the both of you.
“Didn’t know you were awake either… until I heard you sweet talking this little shit.”
You gasp in mock offense, grabbing the kitty’s head, giving it a small kiss on the forehead before saying, “Do not call our son a little shit! He’s precious and he just wants to spend time with us…”
He glares at the cat, “You call him ‘baby boy’, he’s the first one to get your kisses in the morning, and he gets to curl up on your chest in the morning… he’s a little shit.”
Smirking as you remove your hand from the cat, moving it over to your boy's messy hair and your scratch at his scalp, “I’m so sorry, Baby boy…” You coo teasingly, “I wasn’t aware there was a one sided feud going on between you two…”
“It’s not one sided. He knows exactly what he’s doing.” Eddie watches as you pull the cat from your chest and you begin lifting it over to his, “What are you doing?” But soon the cat is shifting so he can comfortably lay on his chest instead.
“He just wants some love from his dad…” You smile over at the scene in front of you. Eddie glares at you, before staring down at the lump on his chest, “Pet him, Eddie.” You say more sternly, and he’s rolling his eyes as he brings his hand up to the cat’s body to give it some light scratches.
And he’s purring like a motorboat.
“Damn, he doesn’t even purr that loud with me…” You say with a soft giggle. Eddie has to hold a small smirk when the cat nuzzles into his chest more as he continues to run his hand over his fur.
But only because you told him too! Not because it’s the softest fur he’s ever felt…
“Okay, but i’ll have you know if you are gonna be calling him pet names then you’ll have to do the same for me… I was fine with you not doing it before but now that I've got a taste of that life I can't let it go…”
You groan and roll your eyes playfully. “Yeah? Whatever you want, Sweet Cheeks.”
He glares over at you, “I’m serious, Y/n. When I get home from work you better run up to me and say some shit like ‘Oh Baby, I missed you so much.’ Got it?”
“Yeah. Got it, Baby…”
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zhukzucraft · 19 days ago
=> Pearl: Engage in Friendly Conversation!
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Pearl: aww heck! you got me!
Pearl: I could use a bit of help, yes, lost as I am
Pearl: Yep, just lost, not spying or anything
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Pearl: And, and hey! Maybe we could help each other out? A little quid pro quo?
Pearl: You can help me find Gem, Scar and Grian, and together we can help you find the Bastion!
Pearl: And I can share valuable insight with you! Like in which direction not to look for them!
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Scott & Cleo: . . .
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Cleo: So... you're not here with Martyn?
Scott: And isn't it obvious in which direction not to look since you're here and didn't find them? We just need to go to where you came from.
Pearl: well I-
Pearl: Wait, Martyn is in the Nether??
Scott: Yeah? I also assumed you teamed up when your names showed up in the chat together
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Pearl: Goodness, no!
Pearl: It's like reusing the Double Life script. We'd never hear the end of it!
Cleo: Hah!
Scott: Well, can't deny that info is valuable
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Pearl: Great!
Pearl: So, err, we're good, then?
Pearl: We greens should stick together, you know?
Pearl: And the thing about the Enchanter monopoly is: it's not bad if we're doing it!
Pearl: What do you say? Three Gs reunion?
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Cleo: Hmmm
Cleo: Well there's certainly a way we could team up
Cleo: Let me check
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Pearl: ack!
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Cleo: Nope, not soulmates after all. Sorry, Pearl!
Cleo: And as you heard Scott's already found his soulmate
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Scott: Yeah, our group is getting a bit big at this point. So let's help each other get to the Bastion and then it's every man for himself
Scott: No hard feelings.
Scott: Better stay loyal to our soulmates, right?
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Pearl: Right!
Pearl: Right.
Go Back -- Start Over
RNGods have chosen inkedmyths' reply to dictate Pearl's actions! "Engage in friendly conversation! No need to be hostile at this stage, we're all friends here!"
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partial-prints · 2 months ago
If you love vampires, listen up!
Do you enjoy vampires, 80’s music, a healthy dose of homoeroticism - all with a theatrical flair? Well look no further, for I submit to you Dance of the Vampires.
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(More cool pictures at the very bottom)
What is it you may ask? It’s a musical about a vampire who seduces a girl and invites her to his midnight ball - an offer she simply cannot turn down. The whole thing sorta gives Phantom of the Opera vibes, but like, wayyy less creepy (despite it being a literal vampire). I will say now that yes, Tanz der Vampire (the original title of Dance of the Vampires), is in German, but there is a full recording with English subtitles on youtube, so please don’t let that prevent you from watching it. Now if you’re still reading, allow me to elaborate on the 80’s music and homoeroticism that I previously mentioned.
Let’s start with the tragic gay romance, because I’m sure that’s what you want to hear about first. While not a main part of the musical, the main vampire’s son falls in love with - gasp! - the vampire hunter’s apprentice. They dance together, and with stage magic involving a mesh screen and an actor on the other side dressed identically to the apprentice, it appears as though the vampire has no reflection in the “mirror”. Of course, the feeling is not mutual, as the apprentice is only at the castle to rescue the girl, who he is in love with.
Now, onto the 80’s music. Surely you’ve heard of the song Total Eclipse of the Heart, or the singer Meatloaf (even if it was just his role as Eddie in Rocky Horror Picture Show). Well, the man who wrote that song and a majority if not all of Meatloaf’s work, was Jim Steinman, who composed the musical. The soundtrack contains a decent amount of electric guitar, even a bit of synth at parts, and all around just sounds awesome. However, he only had about a month and a half to compose it all, so he reused some stuff he previously wrote, including a couple Meatloaf songs and Total Eclipse of the Heart, a song he originally wrote for a Nosferatu musical that ended up not getting produced. It was actually originally titled “Vampires in Love,” so what better song is there to fill the place of a big love duet between the girl and the Count?
Tanz der Vampire is my favorite musical ever. I’ve loved it ever since Count von Krolock appeared on the screen and first began to sing, and you may love it too. So I implore you. Please do yourself a favor and check it out. I’ll provide a link of a full recording with English subtitles here, but it should also be the first result on youtube when you search “tanz der vampire english subtitles.” (That production also has Drew Sarich as the Count, my personal favorite.) I should add though, do not watch the broadway production because it’s terrible.
If you’re still not sold, I’m not sure what else I could say to convince you, but hopefully you at least found this interesting and learned something new. If you want to know more about Tanz der Vampire or would like to hear about other musicals about vampires, please let me know and I can answer any questions. (If even one person watches it because of this I’ll consider this a success, and if you do watch it please let me know because it would really make my day.)
And now I’ll leave you with some pictures of Tanz der Vampire as a last resort to convince you how awesome it is and that you should watch it. (I also put in the alt text the song each picture is from for anyone interested)
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*ooo the set design and costuming have hypnotized you… you want to watch it now… do it for the vampires…*
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months ago
Electric Cars Suck
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There is some irony in how things turned out, right? Like eight years ago or so it was mostly the left who was like: "We need more electro mobility!" And the people on the right were like: "Noooo! We need our gas guzzlers that go VROOOOOM!" And somehow now the people on the right buy their stupid cybertrucks, while the people on the left have in large numbers converted to: "Actually, all cars fucking suck."
And hey, that's me. I am in that story. Because actually, all cars fucking suck!
But let's be a bit more serious: The main issue with cars is not even the CO2, the fine particles, or the microplastics they generate. (Yes, most microplastics in the environment originate with cars!) The main issue is, that we live in a car-centric society, that is so very much inaccessible for anyone who does not have a car.
And let's be honest here: In this regard I am complaining as someone with a lot of things going for me: I live in Germany and I live in a city here. We have actually somewhat working public transport, and even my physically disabled ass is capable of reaching the next super market, pharmacy, doctor's office and library within 5 minutes on foot. Sure, due to a lack of bus drivers (which again is due to a lack of proper payment for said bus drivers) they cut some of the bus lines here, making the time I need to get to the next hospital go up by a good chunk, but... What I am saying is: Hey, I am at least not living in the USA, where it is basically impossible to get around in a lot of places when you have no car, because the infrastructure is just so bloody car-centric.
And that is the reason why cars just suck so darn much. Because they need all that infrastructure that makes it harder for everyone to get around.
And the double issue with that is, that some people will still need cars no matter what, even if we try to improve that. I spoke about it before: Some disabled people will always need cars to get around, because they just do not have an alternative due to a variety of reasons. And some services (like ambulances, fire fighters and so on) will also just need cars. Which taken together means that we need to maintain some infrastructure.
Generally speaking I feel, a lot of folks within the Solarpunk scene do underestimate this issue, too. Especially in concern to the USA, Canada and some other colonizer cities in the global south, that have been created very much with cars in mind.
In Europe, most cities have been created with horse drawn carriages in mind and people who walk on foot. Sure, they have been retrofitted to allow for cars, but that retrofitting can easily be toned down in a way that would allow those cars that are needed to pass through, but allow the areas to be used otherwise. (I mean, we have several cities here were you can still see that the city originally has been build by Romans some 2000 years ago, because the city map features certain Roman city planning styles.) It is not really so hard to turn those cities into 15-minute-cities again.
But in the US? In the US a lot of the cities have always been constructed with the car in mind, and the entire street plan is organized around the car. Lots of wide streets. Lots of parking lots. Lots of other facilities that are needed for cars. Sure, you can reuse some of the space. But that does not negate the fact that everything has this wide sprawl that makes it a lot harder to get around. And that really is a problem if someone tried to make 15-minute-cities here. Because frankly... In some areas there just would not be another way but to just tear it all down to rethink city planning once more.
Like, sure, in the city cores it is not that much of an issue. Turning Manhatten into a 15-minute-city is not the issue. But the wider area of New York city? Eh... And in other cities it is worse, of course.
And yeah, those issues - the stupid infrastructure cars need... It is still the same, no matter whether the car goes VROOOOOOM or BZZZT.
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the-alan-price-combo · 3 months ago
Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon)
All Sections | Supporting One Another (1965-1968)
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“[Eric] was one of the biggest influences on my music career, and gave me a tremendous insight into blues music.” - Alan Price, Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon).
It happened. It had to happen.
From March 12th to March 17th, 2024, @/tealightwhimsy (who I will be referring to as Tealight), my mother, and I all traveled to London, England. This was my first time ever on an airplane, ever getting a passport, ever traveling out of the country, and ever in a city bigger than Detroit - saving up every cent myself in order to make the journey. And before you think I only made this trip to have my own「Domino's App feat. Hatsune Miku」 moment… I promise I didn’t, haha. I made this trip to see Alan Price, yes, the real Alan Price with my own eyes! He performs in Barnes every second Thursday of the month, always delighted to play these small concerts to this day, and I wanted nothing more than to show my support and appreciation for that.
However, since we would quite literally be in the neighborhood, I thought to myself… Why not see if we can watch a very particular episode of Alan’s 1968 television series at the British Film Institute in Soho while there? It was entirely possible to do so, after all! The journey getting to this point was a bit of a complicated one -  and I’m not just talking about the eight-hour-long plane ride - but it was incredibly worth it for the rich, detailed, and affectionate footage Tealight and I bore witness to. Alan Price and Eric Burdon… on screen together… having fun…
The Price of Possibility -
So, my first exposure to the international treasure that is Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon) was in February of 2021, in a Discord group with a couple of Animals friends and I. One of those friends had randomly sent an image of that Music Echo/Disc Weekly photo (featured at the beginning of this section), plus the caption, that I eventually found out was from August 3rd, 1968. By eventually, I mean over a year later, when Tealight had discovered that huge archive of British magazines and I found the Music Echo issue it came from. However, at the time, my mind was absolutely blown. To contextualize things even further, this was still during my satirical “Alan and Eric were acting like petty divorcees in their 20s, lmao” phase, so outside of a few of those super affectionate Animals photos I had seen up until that point (the Pepsi-Cola bottle photoshoot, the photo of Alan holding Eric’s hand, etc.), this was my first time seeing a pleasant, non-antagonistically skewed representation of the pair, with a nice caption to boot. I started to put the pieces together… Eric flew over to “especially to appear on Alan’s new TV series ‘Price To Play”? You had “a great loon”? You guys did “What’d I Say”?!?
It goes without saying that this very much changed my perspective, even if just a little at the time. And I was eager to find this episode, if at all possible.
Doing a bit of quick, preliminary research at this time - again, in early-2021 - didn’t exactly come up with much, only some vague IMDb listings about the episodes and an old forum talking about the episode. I assumed that Price to Play, in its entirety, was just lost media, which was disappointing, but not surprising. Most televised footage from that period was filmed and scrapped like clockwork, with old film being quickly erased after airing in order to be reused. Even the incredible, culturally impactful Ready, Steady, Go! wasn’t safe from this practice, despite the star power behind it. Most recordings were archived thanks to eager fans manually saving the footage to tapes, opposed to studios themselves keeping track of the footage. Alan’s show undoubtedly suffered the same fate, and I had made peace with that - even after confirming the context behind it via the full Music Echo article.
That was until Ray Davies turned everything on its head.
You see, on August 5th, 2022, the BBC Archive’s Facebook page decided to post a random little clip from Price to Play: August 5th, 1968 (with guest star Ray Davies) (from the Kinks). Out of context, it’s just a generally fun clip, watching these two semi-awkward introverts talk about songwriting with one another. Especially funny considering that six years later, on a show called The Midnight Special, Ray Davies would host the June 7th episode (with guest star Alan Price). But I digress; what the BBC Archive thought was just an innocent, celebratory collaboration video they were posting completely blew the mind of a mentally ill lesbian who just woke up one Saturday morning and needed a Dr Pepper.
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This… revealed a lot of things to me (Alan’s impeccable late-1968 style of dress, for one), but chief among them was the fact that Price to Play, in some form, was safe, archived, and stored somewhere in the BBC’s vast vaults of chaos. I should also mention that this was around the time I initially finished the bulk of this essay - a couple of months before posting it, in fact, just working on the revision stages. I hesitated to include information about the BBC Archive’s post as not to get anyone’s hopes up… but I certainly got my own hopes up. I didn’t know what to do with this information quite yet, but it was encouraging to know something was out there.
Then, four .gif files changed everything. AGAIN.
On January 3rd, 2023, I was scrolling through the desolate, yet familiar-to-me, depths of Animals tumblr when I came across a .gif set of Eric performing that I hadn’t seen before. It was posted by a user named @/sonand-daughter-1974, who has sadly deactivated since then, but I had reblogged these gifs before they did so. And that first .gif I saw completely threw me, because my eyes were immediately drawn to the keyboardist in the background who did an overly-dramatic hair-flip as he played. An overly-dramatic hair-flip I’ve seen many, many times before… Not to mention, the stage and set Eric was standing on reminded me of the set where Alan and Ray had been chatting in that clip the BBC Archive posted.
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The full .gif set!
…Wait… WAIT.
Was this footage of Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon)?!? I messaged Tealight immediately. 
Honestly, this was a dumb question to ask, even if rhetorically, because quite obviously, it was. Eric and Alan are wearing the same shirts as the Music Echo photo, the set is the same as the Ray Davies clip… yes, this was indeed what I was looking for. Just to confirm things further, I replied to the post, asking the blogger about the context. Their replies are now gone due to being deactivated, but I remember them saying something along the lines of there being a clip of what they thought was Eric performing “What’s I Say” on the BBC Archive’s YouTube channel back in 2015.
…Well, there it is. I guess it was just the pure adrenaline coursing through my veins, dampening any shyness, but I ended up spontaneously emailing the BBC Archive’s official email account at 11:53 pm with a request for information about Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon) - just wanting to know if the footage was being archived, both the (with guest star Eric Burdon) episode and the others. To which I promptly got an email back the next day saying that they, indeed, had access to all of the episodes, even sending me a handy link to the British Film Institute’s online database! As it turned out, the August 12th episode was indeed featured there, right in the archive! Only accessible via VHS, but STILL! IT WAS THERE!
I ended up talking to someone at the British Film Institute at this time, as well, but with the episode only available via VHS, and thus only allowed to be digitized following a booked research viewing, I was at a temporary dead end. Not a distressing one, of course, as it honestly just meant a lot to know that the footage still existed at all. But I had reached the end of my actual search, with only the hope of the BBC Archive’s social media team potentially digitizing clips to post on one of their accounts. Why those other clips were removed off of YouTube, I have no idea… which implies something was digitized at some point, but I digress.
Anyway, at this point, Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon) had settled comfortingly in my brain, always as a possibility to emerge yet again, either through more lost tumblr gifs or a surprise clip on Facebook one Saturday morning. That was until the idea of traveling to London to see Alan was beginning to come to fruition… plane tickets and all, and we realized this would actually be possible to do, if I set up an appointment with the BFI. Their viewing center was in Soho, not terribly far from where we would be staying in Chiswick - right down the street from the tube station, in fact! All I had to do was pay a small booking fee and fill out an online research viewing form for Tealight and I, where I had to cite this very essay as the “non-commercial” research I would be using the footage for. Yes, this long, meandering essay about Alan Price and Eric Burdon’s relationship got me into a prestigious British film archive to watch some of the footage they’ve stockpiled… and I’m proud of that fact.
With all of that being said… March 14th, 2024. We would actually watch Alan Price himself perform right in front of our eyes later that evening… but first, we made a special stop in Soho to see a different type of performance, on the -1 floor of the British Film Institute. For research.
Let’s talk about it now.
Pure, Unadulterated Enjoyment and Affection -
Finally using the three pages of notes I hastily scribbled down in a corgi-themed notebook during the hour of viewing time we were allowed… Also, I should mention: the lady who took us to our viewing room was actually the one I had corresponded with for a year up until that point, which was really neat! She was incredibly nice to us, and never questioned why us silly Americans were going out of our way to watch such a niche piece of television… but I guess the citing of my essay on my booking form said it all, haha.
Alright, the moment you all have been waiting for: the episode proper. Prior to this, Tealight and I had no idea what the structure of this episode was going to be like, all we had was the context of the Ray Davies clip, the fact Alan was going to talk about music history, and that Alan and Eric were going to do “The Story of Bo Diddley”, “Don’t Stop The Carnival”, and “What’d I Say” at some point. That just made the anticipation rapidly evolve into pure excitement…
At the beginning of the episode, a sketch of Alan Price appeared on the screen. I audibly asked who drew it, to which Tealight replied, “Eric.” This cannot be confirmed, but it’s the right answer. He is an artist, after all.
The episode starts off with Alan and the Alan Price Set (on the verge of becoming the Paul Williams Set, if not already), doing a performance of “Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever”. This song was originally covered by the Four Tops, with Alan later covering it for his first album, The Price to Play, and it’s certainly an… interesting choice, for an opener. With a later explanation following the performance, it was primarily chosen due to being a Motown piece, but the lyrical choice and contents also gel extremely well with the surrounding context of a “long-time coming” reunion between these two musical giants; one of them desperate to work with the other again in some form.
Following this first song, Alan talks about the general theme of the following episode: rhythm and beat in pop music, and their Spanish and African influence. He directly mentions Motown, “short for motor town”, and its respective groups, which I found very charming, as a metro-Detroit resident myself. Alan then proceeds to talk about the Old World discovery of the Americas, and the slavery/systematic racism that was enabled by said discovery. Which, while blunt, definitely deserves to be talked about in a candid, straightforward manner, even if by a white guy. It’s no secret that, if you want to be really particular about things, the Animals and other British/non-black R&B groups are technically “appropriating” black music, however respectful they are. “Appropriation” in its more neutral definition, opposed to outright negative, as they still put their own spin on the style, practically worshiped the original artists, and were highly enjoyed by black audiences… but still appropriation. However, Alan shedding light on the history is a great thing to see, especially since this program he hosted was intended for younger audiences: shedding light on specific musical styles an audience might not know the details about. He does the subject justice, even if he uses a bit of “it was okay 60 years ago, but not really now” terms.
Alan talks a bit about the history and rhythm style of “chain gangs”, before going into his own rendition of “Work Song”, which is an absolute treat to hear him perform. The Animals covered “Work Song” themselves (a stellar performance of it was featured on The Ed Sullivan Show in October of 1965, and eventually released on some reissues of Animalisms), and I’m also familiar with Georgie Fame’s version, so hearing also Alan perform it with a jazzy touch was a nice surprise.
After this, Alan talks about the brass bands that arose in the United States following the Civil War, due to the ease of access of these instruments to the black population. The brass Set members then do a stripped-back version of “When the Saints Go Marching In”, before Alan joins in for a cover of “Watermelon Man”. A performance that surprised my mom when I told her about it after the fact, since she actually played that song in a jazz band when she was in high school!
Then, the segue to end all segues occurs, with Alan talking about the introduction of string instruments to the Americas via the Spaniards, and the adoption of guitars by black musicians, turning it into a beat instrument instead of a purely melodic one, backing up the singer. It’s here that Alan mentions Bo Diddley, and the Newcastle Art College student that introduced Alan to his music… in which Tealight and I proceed to implode in on ourselves.
“...and one of the people who I listened to as a young player was an American blues guitarist called Bo Diddley. I first heard of Bo Diddley from a friend with whom I played in the early days, when he was at art college and I was working in a tax office. And his name is Eric Burdon.”
The footage then cuts to Eric, now standing in the center of the stage amidst the Set. He glances around a little, before (quite obviously) locking eyes with Alan, smiling when he does so.
“He was one of the biggest influences on my music career, and gave me a tremendous insight into blues music.”
While Alan’s speaking here, the footage is still focused on Eric. However, when Alan says “...gave me a tremendous insight…”, that’s when Eric turns to smile at him, and you can actually hear Alan smile in his voice as he speaks!! Yes, you’re going to hear me talk about the subtle inflections of Alan’s voice in this analysis, because that’s what you do when your favorite musical relationship in classic rock has a collective 75 minutes of footage in circulation featuring them.
“In my hometown of Newcastle, he was wholly responsible for the popularity of rhythm and blues, and with himself, I started a blues band which came to be known as the Animals.”
Now, the footage cuts to a photo from The Pepsi-Cola Photoshoot… a new photo we had never seen before! If you want a brief refresher on what The Pepsi-Cola Photoshoot is, it’s the photoshoot from July 4th of 1964, when “Rising Sun” was on track to top the charts, the Animals celebrating with a refreshing glass of… well, Pepsi-Cola. Such iconic images as “Alan looking up at Eric”, and “Eric nearly holding Alan’s face” and “Alan with his knee on Eric’s thigh” come from this series of photos, with this outtake resembling the latter photo. It’s at a bit of a higher angle… and you can see just how tucked against Eric that Alan is because of it.
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I have this on a shirt...
Anyway, this photo hangs on the screen for the rest of Alan’s little speech, slowly zooming in on the pair.
“Bo Diddley was one of our heroes. And it was like a dream came true when one night, in Newcastle, we had the pleasure of meeting Bo, and one of his band played with us.
“And on the first LP that the Animals made, we had a song which told of this great event for us. Eric Burdon wrote it, and he called the song ‘The Story of Bo Diddley’.”
The dramatic zoom-in on the photo then quickens, before Alan starts out with those cutting opening notes of “The Story of Bo Diddley. If you haven’t heard it before, here’s a link! It’s a great homage to both Bo Diddley himself, “and the rock & roll scene in general” - with so many fun lyrical references and a general cadence that makes Eric seem like he’s improvising the lyrics, on both the album version and this live rendition - which isn’t too far from the truth.
Alright, now… we’re at the main event. Alan Price and Eric Burdon, performing together again. And it’s just as magical as you can imagine. Even with as straightforward of a rhythm as that initial “Bo Diddley” riff, you can really hear the way in which Alan adds little flourishes to further embellish Eric’s voice. Not to mention, it’s just interesting to hear Eric’s “New Animals” voice singing Original Animals’ tunes… like all of Eric’s performances, he never does things exactly like the album, which just makes particular live renditions all the more special.
At the 16:12 mark, the mystery was officially solved. This was where that previous .gif set was from, featuring Alan doing the hair flip and Eric clapping out Johnny Otis’ “Hand Jive”. It was from “The Story of Bo Diddley”! BBC Archive, please put this back on your YouTube channel! PLEASE.
And, just like the album version, we receive a duet…
“In a little old country town one day
“A little old country band began to play
“It had two guitars and a beat up saxophone
“When the drummer let go, those cats begin to roam”
Eric and Alan together:
“Oooh we oh oh
Ooh la la that rock and roll
Ya hear me oooh we oh oh
Oooh la la that rock and roll”
Now, while on the album version, it sounds like Eric’s voice being layered, super keen-eared Price-Burdon fanatics might recognize that harmony from the 1982 Newcastle City Hall performance they did together. They didn’t do the entirety of “The Story of Bo Diddley” during this concert, mind you, just this little section, but the ease with which they did it suggested quite a bit of familiarity. And here they are, doing just that! During this entire duet, Alan is staring right at him as he plays, smiling as he sings, and Eric is turned towards him.
That’s not the only duet that hit us like a truck! During the “Hard Day’s Night” section of the song, Alan also duets with Eric! …Gosh, you two… just because they couldn’t be Lennon-McCartney as songwriters, their musical dynamic is still something wholly unique to them. No duet during the “I Wanna Be Your Man” bit (makes sense 👀), but Eric does begin the section with, “Way down in the deep south, way down in Richmond-Surrey… A pair of lips, a pair of hips, belonging to Mick Jagger…” which makes Alan vocally laugh! A little “heh..” and all!! If you’ve seen my Alan Price Laughing Compilation (pinned post on @hide-your-bugs-away), then you know Alan’s laughs are a wonderful thing. ERIC MADE HIM LAUGH!!!!
Of course, this all leads to the climax of the song, with the actual “Bo Diddley” call-and-response, which Alan and Eric leap at the opportunity to do. Mimicking one another’s vocal inflections, glancing at one another as they do so… my jaw hit the floor when I saw all of this. When the song ended, Eric gave a relieved little “Wooo!”, to which Alan responded with another smile-in-his-voice “heh..” Alan, please………..
“I think that because Eric has played such an important part in my musical approach, it’s only right that he should continue with us for the rest of the program.”
Now that Alan’s finally got Eric performing on stage with him and the Set after all these years, he isn’t going to let him slip away that easily…
Alan then talks about the music that emerged from the West Indies, following this explanation with a performance of “Don’t Stop The Carnival”. Which, yes, Eric indeed does duet with him on! Only the chorus, and as backing vocals, but like the “Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted” outtakes, it’s just interesting seeing him perform a song that Alan is so heavily associated with!
Now, for the part that blew the fragments of our minds to atomic particles.
“In our part of the world, that’s where Eric and I come from - the Northeast - the singer is called a ‘chanter’. And now it so happens that one of the really important things for the blues, or, in fact, any kind of rhythmic song, is you’ve got to bring it to a climax. And the best and most effective way to organize a chant is to have a lead singer singing any sort of phrase. For example…"
Alan then turns to Eric, a huge smile on his face. “Do you feel allllllright?”
Eric shrugs, with his own coy smile framing his face. “...I feel… fine?”
“Are you sure you feel… fine?” Alan responds.
“I feel.. I..I feel alright!” Eric nearly collapses into laughter, and when the camera cuts back to Alan, he’s trying to hide his smile with a covert brush to his nose.
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A little artwork depicting this exchange! They weren't standing next to each other, but I can still imagine it...
Yes, Alan and Eric shared banter with one another, right there on camera. I know this might seem like small potatoes for folks whose favorite musicians and songwriting duos have tons of readily accessible videos and interviews available of them, but as I said before, Alan and Eric barely have any, so this little bit of footage means the absolute world to us. Confirming the fact that, yes these two have a legitimate good time together, even independent of actively performing. They know how to joke, affectionately push one another’s buttons, and have a laugh. This is just so validating when the common consensus of Animals fans seems to be that these two despised each other and never got along. I respectfully disagree.
“This call-and-answer routine is the perfect way to achieve this simper. Perhaps the greatest favorite of Eric and meself  is Ray Charles. And he’s an American blues singer whose recording of ‘What’d I Say’ has become the most classic for rhythm and blues. And it’s only right, and fitting, that we should close with this number. See you next week.”
Here it is… here it is. The whole Ray Charles. Honestly, it’s still incredibly hard to gather my thoughts on the performance of “What’s I Say” here, even eight months later. It’s kind-of like my difficulties describing why the Golden Trifecta of Animals Songs (“How You’ve Changed”, “I Believe To My Soul” and “Worried Life Blues”) are so great because they just… blend so well with their instrumental and musical styles. Made all the more difficult that this is pure, unfiltered, unmitigated, uninterrupted Price-Burdon content. Playing the song that literally brought Eric to the church hall where Alan was playing ten years previously.
I think now is as good of a time as any to do a deep dive into Alan and Eric’s body language and emotions when they perform throughout this episode, with “What’d I Say” serving as the perfect demonstration of this. Since “The Story of Bo Diddley” was mostly Eric’s vocals, and “Don’t Stop the Carnival” was mostly Alan’s, this particular song finally depicts, in both a vocal and a visual sense, more of a balance between them. They trade verses with one another, with one adding little audible noises in the background as the other sings the actual lyrics. And if you’re familiar with the original song and wondering… Yes, they do the call-and-response moaning bit. Twice. 😐 Alan also does his backwards-back-arch-while-shaking-his-head-to-get-hair-out-of-his-face-thing when Eric starts singing, so do with that information what you will.
I’ve mentioned this a handful of times now, but the most obvious indicator of the pure joy they feel while performing together (besides the quality of the music, of course) is Alan’s expressions. Oh, Alan’s letting a lot go here. I won’t show any of the covert pictures that Tealight took of our computer screen, out of respect for the archiving services… but when we showed my mom a couple of the pictures after the fact, she audibly said that she had never seen Alan look that happy before. Like, legitimately, he had the biggest smile that you could possibly imagine, all dimples and smile lines around his eyes and… agGhgh. Alan’s eyes are a give-away as well; you see, Alan usually doesn’t like playing with his eyes open. Much like his musical inspiration in Ray Charles, Alan prefers to purely play by feel. Not to mention, playing on the stage and in front of others makes him quite anxious, so closing his eyes just helps him calm down and lose himself in the music.
“Basically, I dislike being on stage. I don’t like performing in front of people. I used to be very shy. I still am. I still close my eyes and ignore the audience. Which looks like bad taste sometimes - as though I’m disinterested - but really, I’m embarrassed. I often get the horrors sitting in the dressing room. Sometimes in the middle of a number I shut my mind off and think, ‘Just what am I doing here?’” - Alan Price, Music Maker, July 1967.
So, yeah, this is a guy who's prone to panic attacks backstage and frequently, if not always, dissociates while performing in order to not have a panic attack in front of a live audience. Which just makes those moments where he does open his eyes while performing, to communicate with his band members, all the more meaningful. Not to mention, what it means when he smiles as he does so… He’s actually relaxed, in other words. Enjoying himself… and not having a panic attack. The fact that he’s doing this while sharing the stage with Eric speaks volumes, and it’s not a one-time occurrence either - he does it during the New Musical Experience Poll Winners Concert from 1965 as well, among other performances.
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Playing around with a more detailed, painterly style to use on occasion... and depicting the smiles. THIS IS HOW THEY WERE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER, I'M NOT KIDDING.
These elated emotions aren’t exclusive to Alan, of course, as Eric is also all smiles throughout the episode as well, especially that last song. Frequently turning his head to glance at Alan, which is thankfully a little easier than usual, as Alan’s not positioned behind him like he usually is. Alan’s beside him, allowing the camera to actually catch moments where they’re both on screen, looking at one another. And Connie proceeds to throw a handful of confetti in the air.
The episode then ends on the finishing notes of “What’d I Say”, with Tealight and I in complete awe, five minutes left to spare before our allotted booking time was up. And, less than seven hours to spare until we met The Actual Alan Price later that evening, but that’s a story for another day…
Meaningful Satisfaction: There’s More to Come -
Like every facet of this passion-project-turned-essay of mine, I did this for the sake of the positivity present in the Animals’ general dynamic as much as I did this for myself. I wanted to satiate my own (and Tealight’s) burning curiosity, of course, after years of knowing that something Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon)-related was out there. However, beyond receiving that vindication I had anticipated, I wanted the world to know just how much these two got along and enjoyed one another. Previously, if you wanted to be extra uncharitable, you can look at that Music Echo caption and assume Eric was dragged there primarily against his will, or was only roped in via money. We only had Alan’s excitable side of the story, of course. But now, I’ve seen the results of this collaboration with my very eyes. Like the affectionate sleevenote Eric wrote, those quality sounds, that dynamic, the passion on display between them and for the music… it can’t be forced. It has to come from two individuals that wanted this, and wanted this to work. It’s no surprise that when this collaboration happened, it was when Jefferies was finally out of the picture for the New Animals. Nothing was forced; everything was natural.
This footage was, honest-to-goodness, incredible to witness. It’s the two of them, in the 60s, having an absolute ball together like it’s still 1959 and they were just beginning to learn about one another. I absolutely love that 1982 concert of theirs as well, which is also just the two of them, but the affection is nearly stifled by the undercurrent of what was to come in ‘83. It doesn’t at all ruin the experience, of course - I mean, they literally hug and it looks like Eric kisses Alan on the shoulder at the end - but again, the cynics can point at the time period and dismiss it on that basis alone. With this performance in 1968, though, it establishes the fact that their relationship is so much more than anyone seems to give them credit for back in the 60s.
If I may be a cynic myself for a moment: besides the general narrative about the Animals that seems to be perpetuated nowadays via hearsay, I think the bias against purely written materials with no visual reference whatsoever, be it through images or video, is one of the reasons why these positive aspects of their history are so frequently glossed over. There’s the fact that most people aren’t actively seeking out these obscure, 60-year-old sources when they’re learning about the band, of course, but it’s also a bit… disheartening that the main biographies/documentaries published/released about the Animals and Eric don’t even try to dig them up or reference them, instead relying purely on all of the band members’ bitter, present-day accounts. And that’s not to say these vintage articles aren’t written with any sort-of bias in mind themselves - they’re meant to be sensationalized, after all - but as I mentioned before, you can’t fake the intent behind the things that happened between Alan and Eric, mentioned in these articles. However, this 1968 footage of Alan and Eric performing together, completely independent of the Animals, and having a good time doing so, finally provides a clear, visual reference of their relationship, entirely on display. No more having to assume articles are written with toxic positivity in mind; absolutely no room for nuance. Price-Burdon had a spark between them.
Something I find charming in retrospect about Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon) is the fact that Alan never actually interviewed Eric, like he did with Ray Davies. This was probably because the episode was more a history lesson, if anything, with Eric as a relevant guest cameo, but I really don’t think an interview or co-hosting was necessary. It’s all information that Alan can easily relay himself… and it’s information that he learned from Eric. Eric taught him about the blues, the styles, the artists, the feeling… and now, he gets to sit back and listen to Alan teach an entire audience of eager listeners, of all ages, everything he taught Alan. I just think that’s very neat… “full-circle”, and all.
I also like their outfits in this. “Eric has pinstripe pants”- the last note I wrote. 😐
Anyway, 5500 words later, I should probably wrap this up, haha. I’ll probably only ever do full-section updates like this when big discoveries like this are uncovered, like if those Ready Steady Go! episodes ever resurface, or that cinéma vérité documentary about the Animals is ever released (I’d probably write a separate analysis for that), or something major along those lines. Tealight and I are considering traveling to London again to see Alan, and if we do, I’d definitely want to try and watch the other episodes of Price to Play and write an analysis of those, too. I truly love and appreciate Alan to pieces (no hetero) so just seeing this previously “locked” content and being able to share it with other Alan and Animals fans would be incredibly meaningful for me!
Also, if any clips from Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon) are ever released online, I’ll definitely add supplementary visuals, whether through images, gifs, or actual video, to this section. I’m just using my art and other reference images at the moment - again, out of respect for the Archive and the work they’ve done preserving and digitizing this for us. Holding out for the possibility that Price to Play becomes available on streaming sometime…
Alright… time for a Dr Pepper and to draw more funny Animals art… Alan and Eric art… wAHHHH!!
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All Sections | Supporting One Another (1965-1968)
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pandabyler · 9 months ago
hey pooks! this is a continuation of my post about byler songs, and someone asked me to explain these so here u go!
enchanted (taylor swift)
i put this one because it reminds me a lot about the shed scene. "it was the best thing I've ever done" vs "I was enchanted to meet you"
it reminds me of them as a whole, especially the line "please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you" and "I've spent forever wondering if you knew" which both talk about their feelings for each other, and will wondering if mike knows how he feels. beautiful song 10/10
2. you belong with me
this one is self-explanatory but its probably the most byler song ever. everything is just so them. will comparing himself to el and feeling like a mistake, and being the one to truly understand mike and his interests. mike wants and needs a lot of things that el cant provide, but will can. "cant you see that I'm the one who understands you? been here all along so why cant you see?" "I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're bout to cry" and we've seen will hear up mike when he's sad countless times. 10000/10
3. deja vu
this one reminds me a lot of the byler and mileven parallels. will and mike used to be so close, but now he's spending all of his time with el. "she thinks its special, but its all reused" 9.5/10
4. so american
this one is 10000% in wills pov. to me its about his love for mike. "I'm not gonna...fall in love" -will szn 3 and then season 4 will was just "think I'm in looooooooooooOOOOOOOOVE" (sry this song is just too good) 9.8/10
5. good 4 u
this one is more bitter. it reminds me more of season 3 byler, and how will felt abt mileven. will felt left behind and discarded, and to him, it seemed mike wasn't even fazed (he was) "good 4 u, ur doing great out there without me, baby, GOD I wish that I could do that" 100% in wills pov. 10/10
7. iris (goo goo dolls)
"i just want you to know who I am" will wanting to tell mike how he feels, and that he's gay. this song to me is about their longing for each other, and that they both have secrets they need to be open about. 9/10
8. hear my heart (midnight mantics)
this song is SO SO SO underrated likeee.... but this song is basically about miscommunication, which byler has when it comes to their arguments, and in the end they always sort it out. "my big mistake, was letting you leave when we weren't finished, talking it through" mike to will in s3 and will to mike in s4 9.9/10
9. heather
UGHHH THIS SONG!!! "shes got you mesmerized, while I die" s4 mileven at rink o mania leaving will behind, and all of s3 lollll this song is just so byler 11/10
10. traitor (olivia rodrigo)
def in wills pov, portraying that mike has completely left him once a girl came along. mike making him feel special in the shed, but then showing nothing towards him in season 3 to make him feel special again. not sure if that makes sense but 8/10
honorable mentions
right now (one direction)
"lights go, down and" (the ud being dark) "I hear you calling to me yeah" (will calling for mike in the ud) and "lets go crazy together" vs "crazy together right?" LIKE YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP 10/10
2. strong (one direction)
mike giving will the courage to fight on just for being himself. wills love for mike makes him strong. "so many words we're not saying" (feelings for each other) "but there's nothing I'm running from" (will coming to terms with himself and his feelings for mike" "you make me strong" also also will saying he's felt so lost without mike, and the song goes "but when I'm not with you I'm weaker" 100/10
3. lets hurt tonight (one republic)
"dont walk away, dont roll your eyes" and "you were rolling your eyes, you were moping" which basically is about their communication and needing to talk things out when they argue. "they say love is pain, well darling lets hurt tonight" painful because mileven is together, yes, but also because its going to be so hard for byler to be a couple in the 80s, and they may not be able to do all of the things they wish they could
4. moment like you (liamariejohnson)
ANOTHER UNDERRATED BANGER but to me this is about will not wanting to be replaced for left behind by mike, and coming to terms with his feelings. "please don't leave me here tonight, lonely on the dance floor. cause I've been waiting my whole life, for a moment like you" which could also be seen as the literal intimate moments between byler in s4, and will treasures those heart to hearts and is so glad to finally be close to mike again.
well thats a wrap so lmk what yall think!! dt @skyewaytohell
sry if theres typos guys its 2am and I'm sitting hunchback at my computer
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mouse-fantoms · 1 year ago
Absolutely one asked for this but I wanna say what all my favorite outfits are per character is bc I can!
First up, Miss Julie herself, the other day I said I can’t get over how pretty she is in this look so this isn’t that much of a surprise but I mean,
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The shade of blue is so pretty on her and the illustration on her shirt is so cute. What also makes this look get double points too from me is bc of the whole how at the start Julie is in baggy clothes bc it’s a reflection of like her grief and where she is with it but then as the episodes continue her clothes get more personalized and like less baggy idk it’s just such a nice little detail and this is such a cute outfit to have be in the last episode for Julie that reflects where she is now with her grief since the boys are in her life now.
My absolute favorite Luke outfit is his llama jacket look,
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You’re just used to seeing him in the black background color graphic tees with him and so to see him in this like lighter version of his wardrobe is nice. This one is also my favorite of his lil llama jacket 🥺 observe,
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He’s got a llama on his pocket therefore it’s his llama jacket. Also too the jacket just looks so cozy, I mean all his jackets look incredibly comfortable (LOOKIN AT YOU SAD FLANNEL) but it’s easier to see the like individual like threads of it bc it’s white it just looks extra cozy.
My favorite Reggie outfit has to be this variation of his wardrobe,
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Don’t get me started on the little detail that it’s implied through his outfits that he’s only got a couple things he can wear bc he always like reusing different things from his other outfits like he only has a rotation of a few things (that is a detail that implies so much about his character and like background of him and ugh I just love it but again don’t get me started). The white t-shirt with his red flannel just is like yes a basic look but idk he just suits it really well. (I love too how his belt matches his bass strap we love the coordination)
Call me basic but I love Alex’s debut outfit that we see,
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Again he also just looks cozy with the hoodie and then also the denim material like jacket over it, I like the layering of it and like the distressed part of the jacket adds to it like it’s a good look, it makes it interesting to look at bc of the distress-ness in it. I like that he wears his Fanny pack across his body it’s a good look for him.
Naturally after Alex we have to discuss Willie, I love his lil sweater paws outfit,
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This look of his is the closest to my personal choice of wardrobe so that’s probably why I like it as much as I do 😂 that hoodie just looks so comfy and oversized on him. To me too, him having this hoodie just implies that like Alex and him can share their hoodies WHICH IS JUST ADORABLE
My favorite Carrie fit is her like lounging at home look,
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The colors of this one just compliment really well together and I like her shirt, it’s very Carrie of her. This also does indeed give the feeling of an outfit you’d wear to just like relax in.
Lastly, hear me out on this one for Nick,
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I like the coordination of hat that matches his hoodie. Like he put thought into at least what hat he’d wear with this which I respect. And like again the hoodie with his jean jacket he just looks warm and comfy in it (Also he doesn’t have that many outfit options compared to how many the others had but this is my top out of them all for his)
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onskepa · 2 years ago
Can you do please Trudy and a male from the Omatikaya falling in love after the great battle (in an au where she and Norm didn't have anything i don't wanna see that man suffer) i was thinking of a fluff thing, like he being a little more shy and she is being flirty and is just cute.
Ooooooohhh this is a first for me, now, I dont consider this a male reader since I would be breaking my own rules. So this will be trudy x OC. Hope you all enjoy this~!!
Also yes in this, norm and trudy aren't romantically together but are still besties for life!
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After the great battle, many humans left. And some stayed. One of them was Trudy Shacon. She was a great asset and strong alley for jake and the na'vi. Her ship was her ikran. And like all the ikrans in battle, her beloved too died for the greater good. Rogue one, her baby. Was a big miracle she didn't die from the explosion.
Aside fighting, shooting guns, being a baddy, trudy at heart loves to fly. When no one is looking, she would fly her ship through the floating mountains and just admire the view from up high. She loved the freedom her ship gave her, to go anywhere she wanted to go, go as high as she wanted to be.
So when she saw many ikrans flying to their death, she knows the na'vi's pain. To lose someone close to you and never to enjoy the union of flying together. She knows it.
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When the humans left, many things were left behind. And who was trudy to leave them be wasteful? Using her mechanic skills, the machines that were broken were reused for many things, expand on the lab, fix the air ships, create eco friendly bunkers for stuff. Anything really to make herself useful and busy.
Of course thanks to Jake sully, all the humans who are loyal to the na'vi were welcomed into the clan. Including trudy, the humans are all seen as brothers and sisters to the Omatikaya clan.
Trudy is deemed as a warrior among the na'vi as hold her in high regard as she was willing to put her life on the line for the people. The very few humans the na'vi respect.
So when she passes by, a na'vi will say hello or greet her in one way or another. And trudy has come gotten to know many na'vi, some she is close with. But there is one na'vi she is aware of but isn't as close.
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He is a tall, kind man. Not a warrior, but rather a healer. Would rather walk in the shadows than in the sunlight. Mo'nim is those silent types. Shy and quiet. It was that reason why trudy wants to get to know him. Many na'vi have unique personality, but mo'nim was very interesting.
Every time trudy would go into the village, she would scan around to look for the quiet na'vi. She didn't want to ask anyone as means not to give the wrong idea or if word would reach him. No. Trudy wants to find him in her own way.
By being straight forward.
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"mo'nim, right?" trudy asks the 9'10 ft tall na'vi. Mo'nim in question, looks at her, taking in her appearance and knows her as the flying human.
He looks around, not wanting to make eye contact. "I don't know much about na'vi etiquette but in human standards, it's rude not to look in the eyes when talking" she says with a playful smirk.
Her teasing voice made his insides stir a bit. But doesn't know why. "I'm sorry, It's just...I don't talk to humans that much, its not because I don't like you!-I mean I do!-no no, what I mean is-OH eywa I'm sorry...!!" mo'nim stutters in his words.
Trudy tries to hide her chuckles but fails. Mo'nim had his ears pinned to the back, his tail lowered as a sign of self insecurity. "no no! I didn't mean to laugh at you, its just...you're an interesting fella" trudy answers quickly.
Purple hue spread across mo'nim's cheeks. Feeling a little flustered. A look trudy has quickly come to like.
"um...well if you have come looking for me....is there s-something you need....?" mo'nim asks shyly. Trudy gets closer, making mo'nim back away a bit. "Yes, in fact I do need something from you" trudy trails on. Mo'nim leans slight a bit, "and what would that be...?" he asks.
Oh may Eywa take him now.
Mo'nim can feel his heart about to escape his ribcage when he heard that. But feeling too much, he up and left, climbing from tree to tree. As he leaves, hearing trudy's voice become more and more distant.
"was I too direct....??" trudy asks herself.
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So for the next few days, trudy would try to get mo'nim's attention. By calling his name, purposely going near his home, really antthing to be in mo'nims eyes. The golden eyes trudy can never get enough of.
Hell, she has taken the extra mile to learn na'vi, albeit her accent is thick, but the local na'vi taught her well enough to speak in a conversation.
So when the opportunity arrived, trudy made the most of it. When she found mo'nim near a river, instead of being slow and steady. She did the opposite.
"hey there good looking"
mo'nim was quick to turn around and see trudy sitting close to him. He was caught off guard, didn't expect to see her. "trudy...? why are you still looking for me...?" he asks slowly.
Trudy shrugs playfully before getting some tall grass and starts to weave it. "Cant I see you? You caught my eye and I just simply want to get to know you better".
Mo'nim didn't think trudy was a bad person, just wasn't so used to receiving attention like how she gives him. "Im very sorry trudy, but its just-well maybe we-no no, I umm....oh eywa I cant speak no matter what I say" mo'nim blushes heavily, purple hue once again spreads across his cheeks.
Trudy laughs out in pure amusement. "It is ok mo'nim, you're very cute like this. Maybe talk to me some more~?" trudy gets closer, feeling bold.
Mo'nim's mind goes blank for a few seconds before processing what she said. "w-well I am not so s-sure, b-but perhaps or maybe we c-can..." his voice trailed off. It only made trudy get closer.
"hhmm yeeeeesss~?"
Trudy's smirk was of a sly one, her dark eyes burning into his soul. She was unlike other human women, much less, like any na'vi women he knows. She is bold, confident, and not so apologetic.
"I...!! I have to go!" he got up only to trip on his own steps but quickly got up and left. Trudy didnt feel bad. Just try a bit harder next time. She looks down at the half weave bracelet.
"I can do better next time" trudy tells herself. Something about mo'nim that just cant be ignored. And whatever it is. She wants it. She wants mo'nim.
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Idk If I did trudy justice in her personality. I love her a lot but god! she is too cool for me too handle! Tell me what y'all think! I dont mind re-writing this cause I feel like something is missing. But anywho! hope you all liked it!
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mo = space
nim = shy
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allzelemonz · 2 years ago
He’s Warm: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
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Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ and ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Reader is friends with Micah, friendly banter and teasing, the gang is a family, people mistrust Kieran, cuddling, huddling for warmth, background relationships: Arthur/Charles, John/Abigail, mild Sean/Lenny Summary: Going back up North to hide makes the gang share a one room cabin with limited space. As a trusted member of the gang, you’re made to watch over the less trusted members.
Going back up North was Hosea’s idea, insisting that the trek back West needed to happen and the gang needed to give it a few weeks for the Pinkertons to lose the scent. Just a few weeks, no robbing, just surviving. For once, Dutch listened. The gang packed things up, getting the hell away from the two rich families whose gold seems like a lost cause. But as you look over the small shack it doesn’t seem all that great of an idea. No one thinks going back to Colter is a good idea, never reuse a camp if you can help it. So the one room shack will have to do.
You help Arthur and Sean, throwing out the unneeded furniture to make sure everyone has a space on the floor. Kieran and Bill are trying to make some sort of covering for the horses. Charles and Javier have already gone out hunting as Pearson finds the best way to cook with the fireplace. John is chopping wood, Miss Grimsahw is fussing over where to put everyone’s bedrolls. Everyone is doing what they can.
“Excuse me, gentlemen.” Miss Grimshaw comes up just as you and Arthur throw the table from the shack onto the snowy ground.
“Yes, Miss Grimshaw?” Arthur asks. “Somethin’ ya need?”
“I have been trying ta find agreeable sleeping situations.” She sighs. “But, as I’m sure you two are very well aware, not everyone is so inclined ta be near one another.”
“Oh, tha’s a nice way ta put it.” Sean chuckles as he walks by with a chair.
Miss Grimshaw huffs. “I have little Jack and a few us older folks by the fire, the girls are all together, and I put the younger ones by the door.”
Sean looks over at her. “When ya say younger-”
“Yourself and Mister Summers.”
“We’ll freeze!” Sean cries. “Just ‘cause we’re young don’t mean we should be set to early, icy graves.”
“Oh, hush, Mister MacGuire.” She snaps, turning back to you and Arthur. “I need you two of you to keep an eye on the degenerates.”
“Who are the degenerates?” You ask, already half knowing the answer.
“I don’t trust Mister Bell so close to everybody.” She holds her teeth so they don’t clatter. “And that O’Driscoll.”
Arthur sighs. “I’ll keep an eye on Micah, Miss Grimshaw.”
“I’ll watch Kieran, not that he needs watching.” You huff, turning back to the cabin,
“Thank you, boys.” Miss Grimshaw calls after you.
Later in the day you find your things near the front wall, surrounded by Kieran, Arthur, and Micah. It’s like being the good student in the school house and having to sit next to the troublemaker to calm them down. Not that that sort of thing ever works. Micah is sitting on his bedroll, not many other places to go, sharpening his knife, Arthur is talking to John who is fussing over Jack being warm and Kieran is still out with the horses.
“Stuck with the worst ‘a us, ain’t ya?” Micah asks as you sit down on your bedroll.
“You’re not that bad when you shut up, Micah.”
He chuckles and gestures to the closeness of your and what must be a new bedroll for Kieran. “I ain’t gonna have ta worry about all that, am I?”
“Am I gonna have to worry about you cuddling with Arthur?”
Micah snorts and you smile as he shakes his head. “Good one, cowpoke.”
“You never know. You might get cold.”
He glares at you from under his hat. “Nothing would ever make me cold enough fer that.” Then his expression lightens a bit. “But you… you been lookin’ fer an excuse.”
“Shut up, Micah.” You say, playfully kicking his leg.
He chuckles. “Careful, wouldn’t wanna ruin yer reputation.”
“I’d be doing that anyway.” You nod to Kieran’s bedroll. “I don’t know which Miss Grimshaw would hate more.”
“Yer only jokin’ with me and I ain’t no O’Driscoll.” Micah grins to himself. “It’s Dutch ya need ta worry about.”
“You always say that.”
“If ya get all sweet on that O’Driscoll boy, people ‘round here are gonna start questionin’ yer loyalty.” He clears his throat. “Just how things are.”
“We can be delinquents together then.”
“Ol’ Grimshaw’d never let us near each other again.” Micah raises his arms to mime. “She’d think we was schemin’ some grand plan.”
You smile, laughing lightly. “It’ll be fine. I’m not getting into anything right now, not with everything that’s going on.”
“Wise words, cowpoke.” He taps his hat’s brim with his knife. “Great minds think alike.”
“Sure, that’s why you’re not with anyone.”
He chuckles. “I am exactly where I wanna be, cowpoke. No better place.”
“How flattering.”
Arthur stops near his bedroll, kicking off his boots. “He botherin’ you?”
“Jealous, Morgan?” Micah drawls, peering from under his hat.
“Just talking, Arthur.”
Arthur looks between you before he sits down and rummages through his satchel. He’s always been clueless. The only one that has ever picked up on your attraction to Kieran is Micah and no one has picked up on your friendship with the most questionable of the gang. Arthur has no chance of interpreting what’s going on around him tonight.
Miss Grimshaw points Kieran in the right direction when he comes inside. He looks nervous as his eyes wander over the crowd of the gang. You always seemed nice, but sleeping so close to Micah makes him nervous. Arthur tortures him all the time and just past him are Sean and Bill who actively terrorize him. Nevertheless, he thanks Miss Grimshaw for giving him a bed and steps carefully around those laying in his path.
“O’Driscoll!” Micah greets, half mockingly. “Welcome ta the bad boys’ corner.”
Kieran avoids his eyes as he sits, just trying not to catch too much of Micah’s attention because he knows how he is.
“Shut up, Micah.” You mutter. “Just let the kid sleep.”
“All of ya shut it.” Arthur mumbles, already drifting into a chilly slumber.
“So sorry, Morgan.” Micah mocks.
Arthur groans and buries his face into his makeshift pillow.
“Don’t mind the idiot, Kieran.”
Kieran looks over to you, a bit of relief that you’re the one next to him. “I got no problem doin’ that.”
You laugh lightly, looking at Micah for the inevitable annoyance.
“Lucky yer outta arm’s reach, boy.” Micah says, sighing as he relaxes against the wall. “I wouldn’t sleep too deep if I was you.”
“I’ll protect you from the big, bad wolf, Kieran.” You mutter, glaring at Micah with a hint of a smile. “He’s not as tough as he looks.”
Kieran blushes a bit, hiding his face as you and Micah exchange somewhat friendly banter. Arthur groans again, standing and dragging his bedroll down by Charles. Not that you needed his help ‘watching’ the ‘degenerates’ anyway. He probably wanted to sleep next to Charles to begin with.
“You actually gonna sleep tonight?”
Micah looks at you and shrugs. “Ain’t plannin’ on it.”
“Can you behave then? So Grimshaw doesn’t get onto me for not watching you.”
“I’ll try my best, cowpoke.”
The grin Micah gives you lets you know he’s joking around. He’ll just sit there and mess with his guns like he always does, maybe read that newspaper clipping he keeps about his old bounty. You know he’s not gonna do anything that’ll make Grimshaw mad at you, he wants people mad at him. You lie back, getting as comfortable as you can in the extra layers of clothes and on the hard wooden floor. Not many are still awake, so it’s the sound of the fire and the occasional click of Micah messing with his guns that you drift off to sleep with.
You wake to a jolt in your leg and with it you look down you see Micah nudging you. The sun is starting to peek through the windows and you can hear the light shuffles of people working up the energy to get out of bed.
“Ya best move if ya don’t want anybody ta see.” Micah whispers.
Then you realize what position you’re in. Kieran is cuddled up to your chest and your arm is tightly fixed around his middle. He looks peaceful, comfortable, and most of all, he’s warm. It’s like he’s a human fire, heat radiates off of him in comforting waves that fight off the cold. You don’t want to move, you want to pull him closer and kiss his head and make him feel as safe and warm as he’s making you feel. But Micah is right, people would whisper and ask questions, and you’re right too, you can’t get into this right now with everything how it is. So you slowly pull away and sit up against the wall next to Micah, just a foot away from the peacefully sleeping stable boy.
“Thanks.” You mutter.
Micah nods. “You’d do the same.”
Not that Micah will ever be in a situation anything like that, but yes, you would. You look over the sea of sleeping or half-sleeping figures. Most have kept to themselves but the Marstons are all huddled together, the girls have a bit of a tangle, Sean and Lenny are huddled back to back. And then there’s Arthur and Charles, clinging about as much as you and Kieran were.
You nudge Micah and nod to them. “Think we should help them?”
Micah chuckles and shakes his head. “I ain’t liftin’ any more fingers.”
You pick up an empty can from the pile of your things and toss it at Arthur. He stirs against Charles’s arm and it looks like he wakes up. You at least want to give him the choice of whether he’s okay with people seeing him like that or not. He looks around for a minute, then Charles tugs at his arm and pulls him back into sleep.
“Told ya.” Micah mutters.
“No, you said you weren’t gonna help.”
“One good deed is enough fer the week.”
You kick lightly at his leg and he moves it away. He’s slowly becoming an annoying sibling at this rate. The gang wakes up and shuffles around to make coffee and talk things over. Kieran stirs once most of the gang is awake. He rolls onto his back and blinks up at the ceiling for a while before he sits up. He gets coffee and comes back to sit and drink it while the gang gets their jobs going. Most people leave the cabin, only a few remain in the opposite corner when Micah sits forward.
“Hey, O’Driscoll.” He whispers.
You watch him, holding a map in your hand, distracted from your task now.
“Mister…” Kieran mutters, glancing at him nervously.
Micah looks at you with a wicked grin and before you can stop him he says it in a low voice. “He’s sweet on ya.”
“Micah!” You whisper loudly, kicking him hard this time. “I told you-”
“Ya got all snuggly right after ya fell asleep.” Micah grins, pushing you back. “I ain’t never seen such love birds.”
Kieran’s face goes red as you give Micah another kick, making him stand and retreat.
“Sorry, cowpoke.” He shrugs, picking up his hat. “Got bored.”
With only a few people left in the cabin, Micah has an easy escape route and your little fight didn’t garner much attention. Kieran stares at his coffee cup, his mind swimming with a hundred things. You look at him, eyes darting over his body to try and tell how he feels.
“Micah’s an idiot.” You say, sitting up straight and trying to get a look at Kieran’s face.
He glances at you and you can see his pink cheeks, darkened by a mix of cold and embarrassment. “So he was just jokin’?”
There’s something in his voice that makes you think you should be honest. “Not joking, just being stupid.”
“So…” Kieran’s eyes look around rapidly. “So he waddn’t lyin’?”
You glance over at the cluster of people in the other corner, they pay you no attention, so you move back to sit next to Kieran.
“He was telling the truth.” You whisper, nodding. “I don’t wanna embarrass you, Kieran.”
“No, no!” He shakes his head. “Ya ain’t- I mean, I ain’t- But-”
You catch his gesturing hand and pull it down to hold it. Kieran goes quiet as a smile works over his face and he stares down at your hands.
“He was just messing with me.” You mumble.
Kieran squeezes your hand. “I don’t mind… now, I don’t mind.”
Then the door bursts open and you both pull your hands back as Javier steps inside and looks over at you. “Dutch needs you.”
You sigh, giving Kieran a small smile as you stand and make your way over to Javier. “Did Micah go anywhere?”
“I don’t think so.” Javier shakes his head. “Saw him over by the wagons a minute ago.”
“I’ll find Dutch in a bit. Something I gotta do first.”
Javier stops you before you open the door again. “Are you gonna hurt Micah? Can I help?”
A twisted smile covers his face and you nod. You give Kieran one more smile that he returns before you leave the cabin. He sits on his bedroll for a little longer, his eyes looking over your space next to him until he has to go check on the horses.
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gatefleet · 11 months ago
Hints and Could Be's
Stargate: Atlantis; Evan Lorne Word Count: 1013 (T)W: Being lifted against your will. Request: Yes. “I was wondering if you could do an Major Lorne imagine or Fanfic. Set in Atlantis but can have a cameo of SG1 💁🏼‍♀️ Where reader/Yn is an archeologist (like Jackson) has a PHD and they meet one day and it’s a hint of what could be, head strong like carter. Enjoys making fun of flyboys, is kinda a “hot girl” if you will 🤦🏼‍♀️ (trying a different than the shy “nerdy” girl) could of joined the Airforce but has too strong of a memory of what Generals can be like. (Has family ties to the airforce! Oh she totally likes to “bullies” McKay, he actually respects her (secretly) because she can stand up for herself and show off her knowledge. She might have a dark past?? Unsure Have fun! Thanks for looks at my request 🙋🏼‍♀️” @stargurl-battleship A/N: I am so, incredibly sorry this has take so long! Some of your request I'm kind of working into an SGA long shot and to prevent myself from (accidentally) reusing lines, I wasn't able to cover everything in the request, and I'm so sorry about that! I hope this is close to what you were looking for!
Being part of the Stargate programme was one of the best things that could have happened to you. Never once in all your years of studying, did you think you would ever get to use your degree to the extent which you currently were. Seeing the different races and cultures that participated towards the evolution of your own made your other hopes for your degree usage pale in comparison. You hadn’t realised that the stargate programme would be made up of mainly military personnel and was even more shocked to discover that most of them were Airforce and the few scientists that were in the team tended to be civilian contractors, with Major Samantha Carter seeming to be the exception to the rule. You studied under Dr Daniel Jackson for the first year or so of your career with the Stargate programme, you learned the dialects, the common and uncommon hieroglyphs, the correct pronunciation of words from Dr Jackson and Teal’c.
Eventually you joined a different SG team and would travel with a Major Evan Lorne and his team once Dr Jackson had deemed you ‘well versed’ enough to go solo. You and Lorne both got along well enough and had a similar bond to O’Neil and Jackson. You would call out Lorne for his ‘military tactics’ and he would call you out on your ‘naïve and protocol breaking ways’. When you were both made aware that you would be joining the Atlantis programme and travelling off world for an extended period of time, you made sure to grab any PDF’s you could on the language and dialects of the ancients and attempted to pack as lightly as you could. When Lorne came by your office to check in on your progress, he was highly amused and alarmed at the books piled high, the scattering of objects and the general untidiness of your normally pristine workspace. He had the greatest smirk on his face when you randomly popped your head out looking extremely disheveled, and making Lorne catch his breath without realising it.
“No, no, no, it can’t be time to leave already! I haven’t finished packing yet!” You panicked more, bouncing between different piles of books and artefacts. Lorne became more amused and continued to watch you from the doorway.
“Came on nerd, let’s go through this together, you still have a couple of hours until we actually have to leave, yet.” He put his rucksack down by the doorway and made his way into the office.
After a lot of debate and a few arguments of what’s logical to take and what’s essential to take, you and Lorne had finally managed to get a) your bag packed and b) drastically reduce the amount of bags you were trying to take through the gate with you. You both made it to the gate room just as the dialling sequence was finishing, much to Lorne’s annoyance, and bid your farewell to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
When you both arrived at the Atlantis site, it was breathtaking. You spent your first few days exploring the city, or what was open and accessible of it. You met Sheppard and his team. You found Tayla and Ronin friendly enough and learning of their cultures was fascinating. McKay was arrogant, selfish and definitely someone you made a mental note to avoid in the future. You were capable of keeping pace with McKay, but wasn’t up for the constant debate that you felt was sure to follow with being in a close proximity to him. You heard from Tayla that McKay appeared to enjoy your company and the intellectual sparring. You mentally gagged at the thought. When you were sent on your first mission with Lorne and Sheppard’s team you were excited, you made sure to keep at least 2 people between yourself and McKay and stuck close with Lorne.
When you were translating something, lost in thought and focussing on the writing and translation, Lorne would make sure that you remembered to hydrate and eat (even if it was just a snack) and when he was doing a perimeter check he would ensure that someone else from your team would take over the role of ensuring you ate and drank.
Once the survey of the planet was completed, you had packed up your equipment and was trying to grab some last pictures to study when you returned to Atlantis. Lorne made sure to watch your 6 and gently hurry you along. After about 5 minutes the patience ended and while you continued to ignore his pleas to head back to the gate, Lorne eventually huffed and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder and hauling ass back to the gate. Your protests being greatly ignored. Sheppard looked incredibly amused at the sight before him, Lorne attempting to run with your legs randomly kicking in protest and your faint voice calling for 5 more minutes to go back as you had missed a few columns for researching. Tayla completed the dialling sequence as you made it to the gate and Lorne refused to put you down until you were all through the gate. You huffed and squirreled yourself away in the research lab, using the Ancients data base to try and help translate faded parts of the text.
Lorne would periodically pop in or send Doctor Beckett in with nutrients and hydration, but you were so lost in thought (and truthfully still annoyed at Lorne) that half the time your forgot to eat the ever-growing snack/fruit basket which was accumulating on your desk. On Lorne’s 8th check-in he threatened to carry you to med bay for nutrition if you didn’t sit and eat soon. “Y’know I’m tired of you airforce boys trying to threaten me with med bay.” Lorne tried to hold back a smirk and stopped himself from bringing up the fact that you should be used to it growing up with ‘flyboys’.
The light smirk you attempted to push down when speaking with Lorne stole his breath. His checking in on you, made your heart skip.
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love-is-a-pearl · 1 year ago
Do you ever just wonder if the writers were secretly rooting for Ash and Dawn to become a couple for their entire time together? Like, cmon. The Sky Bouquet, that one obscure manga series they had together, that damn Dominos commercial, Dawn being there for Ash’s most important battle, their entire thing being the fact that they’re best friends, like cmon they had to have know what they were doing, right?
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Eh, I would love to say yes lmao but honestly pokeani always enjoyed some shipping bait. There was plenty of moments for misty and may before, and serena after it (not to mention the sheer gayness that is movie04 despite the problematic implications, gary, ritchie, goh and other charas of the day). pokeani staff just likes putting those kiddos in romantic situations *shrugs*
I think the most likely thing is that the staff just liked dawn lmao. would explain why they would put her in a cute outfit for the domino's ad but not ash (in fact i think even his animation is reused there while hers is completely unique)
I think there was even an interview about her cameos in JN where they did say those exact words :v (rica, aka ash's JP voice actor; even called her cute which kills me cause i wish someone would have recorded it so we could have audio of sato calling hika cute sioahxias)
Now, what they were thinking when they brought her for the Leon battle is a mistery to me. Like, why not Delia? Brock? Cerise and fam if they just needed someone else to be there with Chloe? Why even send Goh away??? Like, my pearl brain can only reason that that's because she is his most important person so duh, but like, objectively????? I DONT UNDERSTAND???
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eyes-of-metal · 1 year ago
Why does love have to change
Jack Blades x OC
Chapter One
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Summary: Ren is the bassist of the successful Swedish Rock band Savage Seducion. She had it all, the great band and the fairytale romance with her guitarist and frontman Gunnar. That was until they broke up. Now Ren must navigate playing with her Ex as they tour America with Night Ranger. Along with new feelings for Night Rangers bassist Jack Blades.
A/N: yes I reused a band from another fic I abounded in order to write this one. Also, comments are welcomed and encouraged! Hope you enjoy!
Ren’s POV
I'm trying not to think about tomorrow. When I have to face my ex for the first time since we broke up a few months ago. He was the boy next door. I have known him my whole life, our parents were best friends and so we became friends. I started playing bass and he started playing guitar. We fell in love, or whatever love is to kids. We were thirteen. Then we decided at sixteen nothing was ever going to break us up so we might as well start a band together.
That was our first mistake. When you are sixteen we genuinely believe nothing is going to break up you and your boyfriend. You’re delusional and life hasn't kicked you down enough yet. We made it past school and our band grew. We got a record deal and still stuck together. We were 18 at this point. We'd been together all our teenage life and it was starting to break down. I had these feelings I needed to run. I needed to explore I needed to try something else. The love I once felt wasn't really romantic anymore. Yet I didn't want to fuck up our band. We had a massive following back in Sweden off our first album.
We were making it. I was living my dream of being a rockstar. So I kept hanging on to the relationship despite knowing I didn't love him anymore. I kept fighting it.
I mean he was the only love ever knew. What is wrong with me? My whole family wanted us together wanted us to get married wanted him to be my great love story. After all, it was looking like one of those stories you read about where the boy and girl next door live happily ever after. So I kept fighting it.
We made a decision to keep us being a couple as on the down low as possible. We didn't want that to be the identity of our band. Which looking back now should have been a sign.
Time went on, till last year. When I realized how unhappy I truly was. It all started when my mother started up her whole “why are you and Gunnar married” thing again. We're only 23 granted we have been together ten years. I realized how unnatural it was I really didn't want to marry him. I had no desire to spend the rest of my life with him. I didn't want to be his wife. I didn't see a future with us together. I wanted to run. I wanted to be free. How I was just holding on to this relationship to hold on to my band and make everyone around me happy. I didn't really love him anymore. I had to get out.
I remember thinking I'd have to start a new band. I can do that though. I can start over. I thought I'd shatter his heart. I thought he'd hate me and I was prepared for that.
I was shocked when It turned out he felt the exact same as me. We both knew this wasn't our forever love like we once thought and we had to cut ourselves free. We both knew it was what was best. So that's what we did. We decided since it was mutual and we really have no hate for one another to keep the band going. Why ruin a good thing?
So here I am months later. In San Francisco. Where our tour is going to start tomorrow with Night Ranger. They happen to be a band I really love. So I'm excited to your with them. I know it's going to be awkward but I also know I can work past it. I just need to focus on our music.
After all this the tour in support of our new album. The one we finished just before breaking up. It's really taken off here in America and I'm very proud of it. We've gone gold already and it's only been out a week! I'm excited to play the new stuff.
I decided to come a few days early so I could enjoy San Francisco a bit and relax before the awkwardness that was bound to happen. Right now I'm sitting in a nice convertible in an almost empty parking. I'm looking at the map to plan out my route to my next destination. I'm drinking some American soda, and just knowing the music and the nice weather.
Then I pop in my “Dawn Patrol” cassette into the cars cassette player. When I say I'm a fan of night ranger I mean it. I crank the radio and start singing along. Ex-boyfriends are tomorrow's problem.
Jack’s POV
I stop dead for a second when I suddenly hear my own music fill the air. Someone somewhere is blasting “Don't Tell Me You Love Me”. I look around looking for the source. It has to be nearby I can hear it very clearly. I look head into the parking lot and notice a woman sitting in a red convertible. She's got long black hair cut in what I call I rock n roll style. She's wearing sunglasses and she's the one blasting my music. It always makes me happy to see people enjoying my music. Especially when it’s pretty women.
In her lap, I notice she's studying a map. There is a good chance she's lost. I should go see if she needs help.
I walk over to her car and smile as I reach the driver's side. She notices me and turns down her radio down.
“If I’m not allowed to park her I can move.” She says, probably because the parking lot is empty. She has a thick accent of some kind. I’d say it’s European. Though I can’t place the exact country.
She’s dressed very rock. With tight black ripped jeans,cowboy boots and a crop top of the Swedish Band “Savage Seduction”. The band were actually starting a tour with next week. Interesting. Maybe she’s here for the concert? She seems to be fans of both bands.
“No, I actually came over to ask if you’re lost.” I tell her, pointing to the map on her lap. Also in her car is a pack of cigarettes, her purse, and a few cassettes. One of cassettes is actually our Album midnight Madness, and I can see the case for Dawn Patrol as well. The one she’s currently got on her cassette player.
It’s kind of funny she appears to be such a big fan yet hasn’t recognized me. Especially when I’m sitting on the cassette player box right next her. I don’t blame her though. I probably look much different without the spandex.
“Oh! No I’m just planing my route.” She laughs, “but thank you.”
“No big deal.” I tell her,then I point to the tape in the player.
“Great band aren’t they?”
“Night Ranger?” She asks, “yes the best.”
“Are you going to the show tomorrow?” I ask her, curious.
“You could say that yes.” She laughs, “Are you a fan?”
“You could say I am yes.” I tell her. I don’t like being full of myself and going ‘I’m Jack Blades the bassist and singer of the band’. It’s okay not everyone needs to know who I am. I also don’t want to come off as full of myself. Especially not to someone as pretty as she is, that’s the last thing I’d want her thinking of me.
“Well I really should get going.” She tells me with a smile.
“It was nice meeting you.” I tell her and I mean that I’m hoping I can see her tomorrow so I can give her a backstage pass.
“I was nice meeting you too.” She smiles as she drives off. Well shes someone I’m not going to forget for a while.
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no-fate-but-what-we-make · 2 years ago
Staking A Claim | Reggie Mantle
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[gif is not mine; all credit to the creator]
Word Count: 1K
Pairing: Reggie Mantle x Fem!Reader, 2nd person POV
Description: Nobody knows the two of you are dating, until Reggie decides to stake a claim
Warnings: implied sexy things, sneaking around, intimidation
A/N: I’ve written something similar for Frausto from All American, but I wanted to change it up and reuse the idea. No spoilers, as this is just a snippet of time that takes place at Riverdale High and I’m only on season 3 of the show
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You stepped out of the women’s locker room after football practice, your sore muscles aching with every step. You were snug in Reggie’s ‘Riverdale Bulldogs Football’ hoodie, the thought of wearing it in plain sight giving you a little thrill. Nobody knew the two of you were together, and if anyone were to ask about the slightly bigger size to the hoodie, you knew you would just lie and say you’d ordered a bigger size because you wanted it. Not that anyone would ask you about it; being the only girl on the football team was enough to intimidate about two-thirds of your class. It didn’t matter that you were only on the football team because there wasn’t anyone else who’d scored more points than you - or because you wanted the off-season practice outside of soccer - running with the football team gave you a different kind of power in the Riverdale High hierarchy.
Hot Killer by Julia Wolf played through your headphones as you sauntered down the hall to the student lounge, hoping to grab a VigorAde from the vending machine before heading home. You made no acknowledgement of the people there, heading straight for what you wanted.
“D’you think she can hear us?” Kevin Keller asked, eyeing your turned back.
“Even if she can, what makes you think she’d say anything to us?” Betty shot back, looking to her boyfriend for some support.
“Sometimes I wonder if she realizes that people think she’s scarier than Cheryl Blossom, pre-Toni,” Jughead mused, running a soothing hand up and down Betty’s thigh.
Reggie shifted uncomfortably in his seat, hoping he wasn’t giving anything away. “Guys, she’s not that bad. Serious and intense, yes, but not that bad.”
Archie scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Normally, I’d agree with you about one of our teammates, but she’s just built different. I don’t care that she’s the main reason we beat Centerville last week or that she’s captain of the women’s soccer team when the season is over, I agree with Jug: she’s scary.”
“I’m telling you you’re wrong.” Reggie could feel his anger and frustration rising, unsure why he wanted people he considered friends to like her.
Veronica arched a perfectly-manicured eyebrow. “Methinks the football player doth protest too much.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Reggie huffed, leaning forward. His gaze flickered to your back for the briefest of moments but of course Veronica caught that.
“Vee is right,” Betty muttered, sitting up a little straighter as she put her detective brain to good use. 
“What aren’t you telling us, Reg?” Archie prodded, joining in on the questioning.
You smiled to yourself when your favorite flavor of VigorAde dropped down from the machine. You opened it, taking a long swig as you debated whether or not to grab something to eat. It was a stall tactic more than anything; you knew when people were talking about you and this time was no exception - except for the fact that your secret boyfriend happened to be among them.
Your playlist started on the next song, but you subtly pressed pause, wanting to be able to hear what was going down behind your back. You could hear Reggie defending you, your heart constricting at the warmth spreading through your chest. Betty and Veronica were right, you thought, taking another drink of VigorAde, Reggie was definitely protesting too much for someone claiming to just be defending a teammate.
“What aren’t you telling us, Reg?” You heard Archie ask as you finally turned around.
Your gaze met Reggie’s as he opened his mouth to respond. “I-”
“He isn’t lying to you, Andrews,” you cut in, drawing attention to yourself now. “There’s nothing to tell.”
Reggie’s eyes narrowed as he studied you, and you couldn’t tell if he was hurt or confused or both. The two of you had previously made a pact to keep your relationship a secret, but lately he’d been hinting at the possibility of going public. “Like hell there isn’t,” he growled, standing up and stalking towards you. To anyone else it would be scary or intimidating, but you knew Reggie better than anyone - even Moose, he’d confessed to you one - and knew that this was all just for show. He reached out and placed a hand on your cheek so softly that it took every ounce of your willpower not to close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Care to tell the truth?”
Calmly, you reached up and grabbed Reggie’s wrist, taking his hand off your cheek. “You really wanna do this right here, right now?”
Reggie shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “It’s as good a time as any, I’d say. Unless you’re scared?”
The challenge in his tone had you rising to the occasion, always fighting to prove yourself and Reggie knew that. “Me? Scared? Never.”
“Prove it,” Reggie smirked, both hands grabbing your hips and pulling you flush against him. “Kiss me. Show everyone you’re mine and I’m yours.”
“Okay, okay,” Kevin’s voice rang out as he stood up, reminding you that it wasn’t just you and Reggie in the student lounge. “This has gone on long enough, and I, for one, don’t want to be witness to whatever the hell this weird sexual power dynamic is that’s happening.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh shut up, Keller.” That interruption had been all you needed to get your shit together, dragging Reggie down for a public heated kiss.
When the kiss ended, Reggie pressed his forehead against yours as he tried to catch his breath. “Fuck,” he whispered, swallowing hard, “that was-”
“I know,” you replied, giggling. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag now, huh?” You peered over your no-longer-secret boyfriend’s broad shoulders to marvel at the shocked faces in front of you. “What are you all gawking at?!” You questioned, your intimidating persona back with a vengeance. 
The group got up to leave and Reggie turned to his friends. “I’ll catch up with you later.”
Once it was just the two of you alone in the student lounge after hours, Reggie took your hand and led you to the couch, sitting back and manspreading so you had no choice but to straddle him. His hands returned to your waist, sliding up underneath his hoodie. “Now,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust, “where were we?”
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years ago
hello love! first of all, don't forget to take care of yourself and take your time! good luck! secondly, if you're not too busy, can you please write some hcs about xavier x reader where they are newlyweds? i can't help but think this concept is so cute.. and we all need some fluff, i guess. i absolutely can see them being still young and not planning to start a real family yet but they've got married a month or 2 ago bc why not, we want to spend eternity together anyway. and they're sooo excited about it? like wow we're actually married?? Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe?? ik modern married life (esp newlyweds) may be not so different from just relationship but it feels much more domestic for me? more warm and even loving? you can disagree with me and it's absolutely ok! i love your headcanons so much ahh it hurts! they're absolutely fascinating! thank you for everything you do! and thank u in advance! good luck! take care!
newlyweds xavier thorpe x reader hcs
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a/n: I love this idea! and thank you for your kind kind words<3
warnings: reader is part fae, absent parent, slight nsfw
- it was instant connection with you and xavier, since he laid eyes on you, your perfume clouds his sense and your beauty haunts his dreams and canvases.
- but the rush of the relationship had scared you at first.
- you two ended up in a big argument a few months in your relationships where you admit to him you worries about moving too fast etc and being scared you'd ruin it or he'd change his mind about you.
- since then, he decided to make extra efforts in reassuring you, and you two start spending many times together doing bonding activities and getting to know eachother's boundaries.
- as much as he seems confident in your relationship, he's deeply insecure about you finding a true mate that's not him.
- until one day, he notices you doing a specific courting ritual for him.
- it was then he realized that you were doing it to mate him in the faerie tradition, showing how serious you were about him.
- 4 months into the relationship, he's already bought you a ring, you two were basically already a married couple, every event he wasn't allowed to be around you in, his eyes will wander for yours, every moment you spend together are either deeply affectionate or in peaceful comfortable silence.
- it was during the holidays, his father was barely home, when he was, xavier tried bringing you up, telling him how he thinks you're the one.
- the older man only waved him off, reusing the lines "if that's what you want.", frustrating him.
- that night, without you warming his bed or holding him through his sleep, he realizes how truly lonely he feels. and the only cure for the loneliness was you.
- he suprised you at you family's house, your mother was absolutely whipped by Xavier.
- already referring him as 'my son'.
- seeing how easy he was accepted into the tight knit family, he takes the risks and proposes to you during dinner.
- you were in awe, tears formed in your eyes and you almost forgot there were other people in room.
- when you only stared at the diamond ring in shock, your sister had answered for you screaming "if you don't want him I do!" earnings a shushing from your mother.
-you jumped off your seat and basically leaped on him, crying yes repeatedly, and your mother cried that night, reminiscing her old love with your dead father, she was glad you had found the mate you deserved.
- he had brought a house near your's, using his trust fund (he's a nepo baby sorry y'all).
- when his father found out he was getting married, he guilt tripped xavier into agreeing to work under him with his company.
- Xavier agrees, telling himself that he'd work his way up to independence sooner or later, but for now he didn't want to promise you an unsure future.
- so you marry 6 months after graduating Nevermore, thankfully already now having a house and stable job.
- you work in a troubled children school as a counselor a few months in your marriage.
- and as much as you both learned to enjoy your jobs, he was upset that you two hadn't had a honeymoon yet, he secretly plans a vacation to bora bora while you're blissfully unaware.
- even if you two were busy with work, you'll always make time for eachother, always having dinner every night together unless he has a late shift (which he'd tell you first).
- sunday movie nights binge watching the hobbit and doing laundry together, an activity you both despise but work together to finish.
- when your 1 year anniversary finally arrives, he suprised you by coming home early and setting up a nice romantic chinese takeaway date, it may sounds cheap to other, but he knows your love for chinese fried rice runs deep.
- you pointed ears twitch at the sight of a small box he gifts you, and you couldn't he happier to find two plane tickets to bora bora in it.
- you two take a month off and spend it swimming in oceans and trying out new food.
- while you busy yourselves admiring the culture, he impatiently waits for night to come so he could admire you in private.
- it wasn't unusual for newlyweds to go at it like rabbits.
- but even after a whole year of being together, his desire for you was never sated.
- cooking dinner together too often ends up with you bent on the kitchen counter and moans and whimpers filling the kitchen while the spaghetti overcooks.
- it was not rare for movie nights to be spent with him in between your thighs instead of actually watching the lord of the rings.
- you also start showering together once you two got married, and on days one of you were too tired, you two would lay in a tub together while slowly washing eachother's hair and body. it was an intimate act both of you could appreciate without it having to be anything sexual.
- baby talks only comes in years later in the marriage, both of you settling with a fat tabby cat, not ready for an actual child.
- you grumpy orange cat was the light of your lives despite it's constant habit of breaking Xavier's stuff and accidentally spilling his art paints ( Mr fluffykins is no longer allowed in his art shed btw)
- you almost feel stupid for doubting your relationship a while ago, for now, you can't even begin to imagine ever loving anyone else.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years ago
On The First Day of Christmas
Elvis (or Austin!Elvis) x Fem!Reader
Day Two
Yes that’s right, you read the title correct. For the next twelve days I will be posting. These will not be very long, in fact day one and twelve will most likely be the longest one.
These will be posted along side my regular posts as a thank you. As always, my work can either be viewed with Elvis or Austin!Elvis
Warnings: Grammatical and Spelling Errors Most Likely
Word Count: 1.3k
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The countdown has finally begun. There were officially only twelve days left until Christmas Day. Every year you tend to do something different, but surprisingly you haven’t done the one thing everyone thinks about. The actual song. The twelve days of Christmas, and you were going to do it. Some of them were a bit ambitious, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
You got out of the car with a smile and closed the door behind you. Elvis was currently away for the day. Which meant you had enough time to get day one done. As the song goes, On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me… A partridge in a pear tree. 
Now, some problems arrived with this one. You could not get a live partridge. Hell, you wouldn’t even know where to get one. So, you got a stuffed one. Now the next issue was a pear tree. You could get a live tree no issue, it was Christmas after all. You didn't actually get a real-life tree because you figured you could reuse the small fake one. The issue was the pears, which you decided to make yourself. Then you would just tie them on. No big deal and it was easy.
You opened the trunk to the vehicle and pulled out the tree, it was a fake tree okay… so you shoved it in the trunk along with your supplies. You made your way to the front door and pushed open the door. You and Elvis have already decorated for Christmas, but these last days you always did something more. You were going above and beyond this year though. 
“Mrs. Presley, do you need some help?” You felt yourself jump out of your skin at the voice. You looked up and spotted one of the maids that worked around Graceland.
“Jesus, Katherine, you scared me.” You chuckled lightly and pushed the door closed with your foot. “What are you still doing here? I thought I sent you all home for the holidays?”
“Mr. Presley wanted me to come in and give the house a quick clean. I was actually heading out.” She answered your question.
“Why would he do that?” You wondered. You were fine with cleaning the house. You always let the staff go home for the holidays. 
“He wanted to surprise you,” she smiled softly. You blushed gently and shook your head. 
“Of course he did. Well, you go home and enjoy your holidays okay?” 
“I will, see you next year.” She nodded and went to leave the house. She gave you a light wave and made her way to the car. 
“See you next year Katherine.” You smiled and watched as she left. You closed the door once more and made your way over to the living room. You peered over at the clock and checked the time. It wasn’t like it was going to take you that long, but you still wanted to be done before he would be in.
You walked over to the record player and picked one of the records from the pile. You put it on and went to town. You got the tree out of the box and set it up. It wasn’t a big tree, which was the idea. It was supposed to be small enough to be on top of a table.
Once you set that up you got the bird plush and zip-tied it to the tree. You did not want this bird to go anywhere. Not like it could fly… you just don’t want it to get knocked off. You plugged in the tree and sat down on the couch to get your arts and crafts together.
You didn’t have to make too many pears since it was a small tree. You had some twine and punched out a hole so that you could attach it together. You then went ahead and add it to the tree and BOOM.
A partridge in a pear tree. 
“Dammit! I should’ve bought actual pears… Maybe I could catch Elvis…” You rushed to the phone and dialed the number for the building Elvis was in. It happened to be Sun Records. He wasn’t recording anything, but he was going over some new music. 
“Sun Records, this is Sam Phillips speaking. How can I help you?” You heard an answer. 
“Sam! Can you put Elvis on the phone please?” You asked. Sure you could catch up with him, but this was life or death! Not literally but… close enough. 
“Is that Y/n Presley?” You could hear the smile in Sam’s voice. 
“The one and only.” You replied back, a slight smile on your face.
“I’ll put him right on.” He announced. You said a quick thank you and waited for your husband to pick up. 
“Hey sweetheart,” You heard Elvis’ voice. You smiled at his voice and felt yourself melt. His voice was just so soothing and ugh- 
“Hi Elvis, I have a favor to ask.” You said in your nicest, sweetest voice ever. Which was what your voice always sounded like of course. 
“Can you stop by the store and pick up a few pears please?” You asked. You tilted your head to the side a bit. 
“Yeah, anything else you want me to pick up?” He asked. You smiled at him. It was nice of him to ask if there was anything else you needed.
“Umm,” you thought about it for a bit. You were going to have to go out tomorrow to get the rest of the things but for right now… “No, that’s all. I forgot to pick them up while I was out.”
“Mmm all right. Is this for your twelve days of Christmas?” Elvis then asked. Ever since you two moved in you’ve done this. It was always tradition with your family and you wanted to keep it going. Elvis fell in love with it the first time you did it.
“Hmm… maybe,” You let out a light giggle. 
“I’ll go pick some up, I should be home in an hour.” He announced. 
“Okay baby, thank you. I love you,”  You said with a smile. The phone wire wrapped around your finger. It reminded you of when you were a teenager. Something you always did while on the phone with Elvis. 
“I love you too, darlin’.” You heard the click of the phone and hung up your own. 
You were positive that Elvis was going to know what you were doing the second he came in and saw the small tree. That didn’t mean he knew exactly what you were going to do for the other days. You had to get creative now. Think about it, there were eight maids of milking. You already had a plan for that, but that is what you were talking about.
He could know what you were doing, but there was no way he could know what you would do. If that makes any lick of sense. You made your way over to the living room and plopped down on the couch. You grabbed the blanket that was hanging off the side and wrapped it around yourself. You picked up the book on the coffee table and got to work reading. 
Before you knew it Elvis was walking in the front door. You smiled and said a quick hi before you unraveled yourself from your comfort. Elvis smiled in return and reached the bag out towards you. You made your way toward him and grabbed the bag. You pressed yourself up on your tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss.
"So, what's the theme for this year?" He asked.
"Well, let's see." You said as you made your way over to your tree. You pulled the pears out of the bag and situated them up near the tree.
"Is that...?"
"A partridge in a pear tree," you smiled and looked at him, "because... on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me... a partridge in a pear tree~" You sang. Elvis chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
"I love it, and I love you." He pressed a kiss on top of your head. "But how the hell are you going to get twelve drummers drumming?"
"Oh, I have my ways, Mr. Presley... I have my ways."
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Want to join my taglist? // Let me know If I spelt any wrong! I have updated my form for my taglist. You will be tagged under everything now in that selected fandom/person. Just makes my life easier.
Taglist: @babyhoneypresley, @emmymaehereeeeee​, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @mommy-maia, @yagirlalexx, @alligator-person, @diorxmimi, @anangelwhodidntfall, @pumkiinpasties, @djconde58, @21bruhs, @girlblogger2002, @dollfaceyourfear, @homebodybirkin2003, @dark-as-love, @pandora-journey, @hsstylesrings, @4everrmore, @bewitched-tales, @butlersluvbot, @curatedbyemily, @gyomei-tiddies, @wandawiccan60, @re3kin, @passengerjett, @neepo, @vane28282, @emilykolchivans, @gothantoinette, @gruffle1, @annamarie16, @misacc08, @marchingicenotes7, @callthedarknessdown, @domaniquessidehoe, @gay-af-satan, @skinnypantsmcgee, @sassyblazecloud,  @lordandmistress, @nuo0n, @coldonexx, @adoreyouusugar, @aliciaelle47, @danitheedanimal, @raefoxiegirl, @cobra-kaii, @rylee-durhxm, @crabat-the-queen, @austinbutlersgirlfriend, @hopefulinlove, @aradevil, @laperceval, @xcallmetaniax, @londonalozzy, @mslizziesblog, @gloomynigvts, @randompointlessbeauty, @nora-nexus-34, @jazmin2211, @kittenlittle24, @moonbird1507, @bobthefishiesworld, @cevans-winchester, @luckyevansstan, @noorreads, @normatural, @hauntedarchivesx, @thatcrazyfangirl22, @amiets2, @myguiltypleasures21, @poppet05, @xcallmetaniax, @fullmetal-falcon, @kaitaesupremacy, @rainydayz101, @asd-n-adhd-fox, @eliseinmemphis, @adaydreamaway08, @stitchattacks @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @dkayfixates, @fa1ryprincess222, @austinstyles
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